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Verify Bulk PAN and TAN

1. Who can use the verify bulk PAN/TAN service?
The Verify Bulk PAN/TAN service is available to external agencies (government and non-government), including the Central Government, State Government Departments or undertakings, recognized autonomous bodies, RBI-approved Banks or Financial Institutions who register as an external agency on the e-Filing portal.

2. If I am a private company/entity or an individual taxpayer, can I avail the Verify Bulk PAN/TAN service?
No. This service is only available to certain external agencies. In addition, those agencies need to be registered on the e-Filing portal as an external agency after providing additional proofs (e.g., signed requisition letter), and can use services available to external agencies post approval from DGIT (Systems).

3. What does the Verify Bulk PAN/TAN service allow agencies to do?
With the Verify Bulk PAN/TAN service, external agencies can:

  • Upload bulk PAN/TAN query templates to verify PAN/TAN on the e-Filing portal
  • View previous token details on the e-Filing portal

4. Can I upload Bulk PAN and TAN query at one go in the same file/template?
No. You need to select either type of query you want to upload at a time: Bulk PAN Query or Bulk TAN Query. There isn't an option to do both at one go – You need to upload both templates separately under Bulk PAN Query and Bulk TAN Query.

5. Can I upload a PDF/XML of Bulk PAN/TAN Query?
No. You need to download the separate templates for PAN and TAN respectively from the e-Filing portal (Login > Verify Bulk PAN/TAN > Download template). You need to use the template associated with each type of query - You cannot use any other file format. Fill in a maximum of 100 queries in the template, then click validate so that errors can be corrected (if any). Then, generate the JSON for uploading on the e-Filing portal.

6. What is the maximum number of queries in one bulk verification file?
You can add a maximum of 100 queries in one bulk verification file.

7. What are the types of responses provided by ITD in a the process of verifying bulk PAN/TAN query?
The details from the uploaded PAN/TAN query will be verified with the details in the CBN database, and recorded in a .csv file for every token. For PAN queries, the details verified are: PAN, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, DOB/Date of Incorporation, Gender, Name of Organization (if applicable). For TAN queries, the details verified are: TAN, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Name of Organisation, Organisation PAN.

The response is a Yes/No value against every detail (Name, gender, etc.) indicating whether it matches with the database. For example, if the PAN/TAN entered by the agency in the query matches with the PAN/TAN master, the value will display "Yes". If there is no match with the PAN database, you will get the message "PAN does not exist." Similarly, if the first name, date of birth, or other details like organization name do not match, there will be a "No" output response against that detail.

8. Is there a daily limit to the number of PAN/TAN verifications on the e-Filing portal?
No, there is no daily limit. You can upload up to 100 PAN/TAN queries at once, and then upload another 100 after that, and so on.

9. For how much time is the verify bulk PAN/TAN service valid once registered as an external agency?
Once registered on the e-Filing portal, the verify bulk PAN/TAN service is valid for as long as the registration as an external agency is valid.


Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 01-Jun-2021