1. Overview
The pre-filling and filing of ITR-4 service is available to registered users on the e-Filing portal and through accessing the offline utility. This service enables individual taxpayers, HUFs, and firms (other than LLPs) to file ITR-4 online through the e-Filing portal.
This user manual covers the process for filing ITR-4 through the online mode.
2. Prerequisites for availing this service
General |
Others |
Please note: If your PAN is not linked with your Aadhaar, your PAN is made inoperative. In that case you will get a ticker message “Your PAN is made inoperative as it is not linked with Aadhaar. Some of the accesses may be limited. You can link and make your PAN operative after payment u/s 234H.”
3. Form at a Glance
ITR-4 has six sections that you need to fill before submitting the form in online mode and a preview page where you can validate all your details filled. The sections are as follows:
- Personal Information
- Gross Total Income
- Disclosures and Exempt Income
- Total Deductions
- Taxes Paid
- Total Tax Liability
Here is a quick tour of the various sections of ITR-4:
3.1 Personal Information
In the Personal Information section of the ITR, you need to verify the data which is auto-filled from your e-Filing profile. You will not be able to edit some of your personal data directly in the form. However, you can make the necessary changes by going to your e-Filing profile. You can edit your contact details, filing type details, authorized representative, partner details (if applicable), and bank details in your e-Filing profile.

For AY 2024-25 New Tax Regime is the default Tax Regime. Option “No” will be Auto Selected.

Note: The Finance Act, 2023 has amended the provisions of Section 115BAC to make it the default tax regime for the assessee being an Individual, and HUF . If an assessee does not want to pay tax according to the New tax regime, he will have to explicitly opt out of it and choose to be taxed under the old tax regime.
An assessee having income from a business or profession can opt out of the new tax regime and switch to the old tax regime for a relevant year. However, he has to exercise this option in Form No. 10-IEA on or before the due date for filing the return of income under Section 139(1).
If you want to opt out of New Tax Regime Select “Yes, within due date or Yes, but beyond due date”.
If yes is selected, then Enter the Date of filing and acknowledgement No. of Form 10-IEA and enter the due date applicable for filing of return.

3.2 Gross Total Income
In the Gross Total Income section, you need to review the pre-filled information and verify your income source details from salary / pension, house property, business or profession and other sources (such as interest income, family pension, etc.). You will also be required to enter the remaining / additional details if any.

Note: Some parts of this section will be greyed off depending on whether you're an HUF or a firm (other than LLP).
3.3 Disclosures and Exempt Income
In the Disclosures and Exempt Income section, you need to provide details of financial particulars related to business, information regarding gross receipts reported for GST (Optional) and exempt income.

.3.4 Total Deductions
In the Total Deductions section, you need to add and verify any deductions you need to claim under Chapter VI-A of the Income Tax Act.

Please Note:
1.Default Regime is New Tax Regime. If you have not opted for Old Tax Regime, only Deductions under Section 80CCD (2)- Employers Contribution to Tier-1 NPS Account and Section 80CCH- amount deposited in the Agniveer Corpus Fund will be enabled.
2. If taxpayer is opting old Tax regime and claiming deduction u/s 80DD or 80U then its recommended to file form 10-IA also before filing of return. Form 10IA can be filed later also however it is recommended to file form 10-IA along with return of income to avoid any inconvenience later.
3.5 Taxes Paid
In the Taxes Paid section, you need to verify taxes paid by you in the previous year. Tax details include TDS from Salary / Other than Salary as furnished by the Payer, TCS, Advance Tax, and Self-Assessment Tax.

3.6 Total Tax Liability
In the Total Tax Liability section, you will be able to view your computation of income, computation of tax, and total tax, cess and interest. You need to check your tax liability details as per the sections you filled previously in the computation of tax section.

4. How to Access and Submit ITR 4
You can file and submit your ITR through following methods:
- Online Mode – through e-Filing portal
- Offline Mode – through offline Utility
Follow the steps below to file and submit the ITR through online mode:
Step 1: Log in to the e-Filing portal using your user ID and password.

Step 2: On your Dashboard, click e-File > Income Tax Returns > File Income Tax Return.

Note: If your PAN is inoperative, you will get a warning message that your PAN is inoperative as its not linked with the Aadhaar.
You can click on Link Now button to link PAN with the Aadhaar, otherwise click Continue.

Step 3: Select the Assessment Year as 2024-25 and Mode of Filing as online and click continue.

Note: In case you have already filled the Income Tax Return and it is pending for submission, click Resume Filing. In case you wish to discard the saved return and start preparing the return afresh, click Start New Filing.

Step 4: Select Status as applicable to you and click Continue to proceed further.

Step 5: You have two options to select the type of Income Tax Return:
- If you are not sure which ITR to file, you may opt for wizard-based return filing by clicking on Proceed button.Once the system helps you determine the correct ITR, you can proceed with filing your ITR.
- If you are sure which ITR to file, select the applicable Income Tax Return from the dropdown and click Proceed with ITR-4.
• In case you are not aware which ITR or schedules are applicable to you or income and deductions details, your answers in response to a set of questions will guide you in determining the same and help in correct / error-free filing of ITR.
• In case you are aware of the ITR or schedules applicable to you or Income and deductions details, you can skip the questionnaire.
Step 6: Read the instructions to fill the form carefully and note the list of documents needed and click Let's Get Started.

Step 7: Review your pre-filled data and edit it if necessary. Enter the remaining / additional data (if required) and click Confirm at the end of each section.

Please Note:
The Finance Act, 2023 has amended the provisions of Section 115BAC to make it the default tax regime for the assessee being an Individual, and HUF . If an assessee does not want to pay tax according to the New tax regime, he will have to explicitly opt out of it and choose to be taxed under the old tax regime.
An assessee having income from a business or profession can opt out of the new tax regime and switch to the old tax regime for a relevant year. However, he has to exercise this option in Form No. 10-IEA on or before the due date for filing the return of income under Section 139(1).
For AY 2024-25 New Tax Regime is the default Tax Regime.
In the filing section of Personal information, Option “No” will be Auto Selected.

If you want to opt out of New Tax Regime Select “Yes, within due date or Yes, but beyond due date”.
If yes is selected, then Enter the Date of filing and acknowledgement No. of Form 10-IEA and enter the due date applicable for filing of return.

Step 8: Enter your income and deduction details in the different section. After completing and confirming all the sections of the form, click Proceed.

Step 9: In case there is a tax liability
You will be shown a summary of your tax computation based on the details you provided. If there is tax liability payable based on the computation, you will get the Pay Now and Pay Later options at the bottom of the page. It is recommended to use pay Now option.

- If you opt to Pay Later, you can make the payment after filing your Income Tax Return, but there is a risk of being considered as an assessee in default, and liability to pay interest on tax payable may arise.
Step 10: In case there is no tax liability (No Demand / No Refund) or if you are eligible for a Refund
After paying tax, click Preview Return. If there is no tax liability payable, or if there is a refund based on tax computation, you will be taken to the Preview Return page.

Step 11: After successful payment through e-Filing portal a success message is displayed. Click Back to Return Filing to complete filing of ITR.

Step 12: Click Preview Return.

Step 13: On the Preview and Submit Your Return page, Place , name and other details will be auto populated then select the declaration checkbox and click Proceed to Preview.

Note: If you have not involved a tax return preparer or TRP in preparing your return, you can leave the textboxes related to TRP blank.
Step 14: Preview your return and click Proceed to Validation.

Step 15: Once validated, click Proceed to Verification.

Note: You will be shown a list of validation errors in your return, if any. You need to go back to the form to correct the errors. If there are no errors, you can proceed to e-Verify your return by clicking Proceed to Verification.
Step 16: On the Complete your Verification page, select your preferred option and click Continue.
It is mandatory to verify your return, and e-Verification (recommended option – e-Verify Now) is the easiest way to verify your ITR – it is quick, paperless, and safer than sending a signed physical ITR-V to CPC by speed post.

Note: If your PAN is inoperative: You will see a warning message in pop-up that PAN of the taxpayer is inoperative as it is not linked with Aadhaar.
You can link PAN with Aadhaar by clicking on Link Now option, otherwise you click on Continue.

Note: In case you select e-Verify Later, you can submit your return, however, you will be required to verify your return within 30 days of filing of your ITR.
Step 17: On the e-Verify page, select the option through which you want to e-Verify the return and click Continue.
- Refer to How to e-Verify user manual to learn more.
- If you select Verify via ITR-V, you need to send a signed physical copy of your ITR-V to Centralized Processing Center, Income Tax Department, Bengaluru 560500 by speed post within 30 days.
- Please make sure you have pre-validated your bank account so that any refunds due maybe credited to your bank account.
- Refer to My Bank Account user manual to learn more.
Please Note: As per Notification No. 2 of 2024 dated 31/03/2024-
- Where the return of income is uploaded and e-verification/lTRV is submitted within 30 days of uploading – In such cases the date of uploading the return of income shall be considered as the date of furnishing the return of income.
- Where the return of is uploaded but e-verification or ITR-V is submitted after 30 days of uploading – In such cases the date of e-verification/ITR-V submission shall be treated as the date of furnishing the return of income and all consequences of late filing of return under the Act shall follow, as applicable.
- The duly verified ITR-V in prescribed format and in the prescribed manner shall be sent either through ordinary or speed post or in any other mode to the following address only:
Centralised Processing Centre, Income Tax Department, Bengaluru - 560500, Karnataka.
- The date on which the duly verified ITR-V is received at CPC shall be considered for the purpose of determination of the 30 days period from the date of uploading of return of income.
- It is further clarified that where the return of income is not verified after uploading within the specified time limit such return shall be treated as invalid.
Once you e-Verify your return, a success message is displayed along with the Transaction ID and Acknowledgment Number. You will also receive a confirmation message on your mobile number and email ID registered on the e-Filing portal.