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Best Practices for Scanning and Uploading of Attachments

Taxpayers may kindly note that whenever any document is uploaded to the e-Filing website in support of any service request, the following best practices should be complied.

Scan settings

✓ Scan to a PDF.

✓ Scan at 300dpi.

✓ Scan in Black and White only.

✓ Do not upload files with Read/Write/Password protection.

Scanning Source Documents

✓ Scan the original tax document to avoid scanning copies and faxes.

✓ Scan the document in A4 or Letter size only.

✓ Scan multi-page documents together, in logical order.

✓ Do not leave the tray cover open when scanning single pages on a flatbed scanner.

Key points to avoid poor quality

✓ Documents with faint or faded text.

✓ Handwritten documents that contain important identifying information such as Pan etc. making it difficult to read.

✓ Documents with ink bleeding or smudging.

✓ Clipped or cut forms that exclude important identifying information.


Department proposes to impose file size limits for uploaded documents. It is, therefore strongly recommended to follow above mentioned guidelines.

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 26-Feb-2023